Monday, April 24, 2023

Will Your Furnace Run Without A Filter?

Your furnace is a vital part of keeping your home comfortable. But did you know it can't function properly without the right filter? Without a good filter, dirt, dust, and other debris can get into your system and lead to significant issues like clogged air ducts or, even worse, costly repairs. This blog post will explore why having the right filter is so essential for running an efficient furnace and how to ensure that yours has what it needs!

Yes, Your Furnace Will Run Without A Filter

Yes, your furnace will run without a filter, but it's not recommended. Many homeowners don't realize how vital furnace filters are for their HVAC system's health and efficiency. Your furnace will turn on and run without a filter, but it's not a good idea.

The Potential Damage to the System

When you run your furnace without a filter, you open the system up to all sorts of debris and particles that should never come into contact with the internal components. The blower motor is responsible for circulating air through your furnace, and when it pulls in debris, it can clog up the motor and cause it to wear out prematurely. This debris can also infiltrate other parts of your HVAC system, such as your ductwork. Over time, it may cause damage to other components, leading to expensive repairs.

Decreased Efficiency and Higher Energy Costs

Another problem with running your furnace without a filter is decreased efficiency. When debris builds up in your furnace, it creates a layer of insulation around your furnace's heat exchanger. This layer of insulation forces your furnace to work harder to reach the thermostat's temperature. As a result, you'll see a spike in monthly heating bills, which can add up over time.

The Importance of Furnace Filters

So, why is it so important to keep your furnace filter clean? Aside from the potential damage to your system and the increased energy bills, there are other reasons why your furnace filter is essential. For example, a furnace filter helps capture dust, pollen, and other pollutants that can negatively impact indoor air quality. The filter traps these pollutants, preventing them from circulating throughout your home and reducing allergens or irritants in the air that can cause serious health impacts.

The Consequences of Not Using a Filter

Here are some hidden consequences of not using a furnace filter.
  1. Reduced Efficiency: The primary function of a furnace filter is to capture dust, dirt, and other pollutants from the air before they are circulated into your home. A dirty or clogged filter can significantly reduce airflow and make your furnace work harder to achieve the same level of heating. This results in increased energy consumption and higher utility bills. In severe cases, a dirty filter can cause your furnace to overheat and shut off, leading to costly repairs or replacements.
  2. Poor Indoor Air Quality: Without a furnace filter, the air in your home can get polluted with harmful particles such as pollen, dust mites, bacteria, and viruses. It can exacerbate allergies and respiratory problems, especially for people with pre-existing conditions such as asthma. Poor indoor air quality can cause headaches, fatigue, and other health issues.
  3. Shortened Furnace Lifespan: A clean furnace filter extends the life of your heating system by reducing strain on the blower motor and other components. When your furnace has to work harder to circulate air because of clogged filters, it puts more wear and tear on the system, shortening its lifespan.
  4. Potential Safety Hazards: Neglecting furnace filter maintenance can pose safety hazards like carbon monoxide leaks. A dirty filter can cause overheating and lead to a cracked heat exchanger, allowing carbon monoxide to leak into your home. Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless gas that can be lethal in high concentrations.
  5. Voided Warranty: Furnace manufacturers require regular maintenance, including filter replacement, to maintain your furnace warranty. Neglecting filter replacement can void your furnace warranty, leaving you with significant repairs or replacement costs if needed.

How Often Should You Change Your Filter?

The Factors that Affect Filter Change Frequency

The first factor that influences how often you should change your furnace filter is the type of filter used. Some filters can last up to six months, while others should be changed monthly. Second, the number of people in your home can also affect how often you change your filter. A household with more people will generate more dust and debris, causing the filter to clog faster. Pets are also significant, as their hair or dander can quickly clog your filter. Lastly, if anyone in your home has allergies or respiratory issues, you should frequently change the filter. In this case, you want to keep the indoor air quality as pristine as possible.

General Rule for Changing Your Furnace Filter

A general rule of thumb is to change your furnace filter once every one to three months. This rule should be a good starting point for most households, but always consider the factors mentioned above to better understand your filter change schedule. You may need to change your filter less frequently for households with only one or two people, fewer pets, and no respiratory issues. On the other hand, households with several people, multiple pets, or poor indoor air quality may need to replace their filters every month.

Longevity of Certain Filters

Certain furnace filters are longer-lasting than others. For instance, pleated filters should last between three to six months. In contrast, fibreglass filters should be changed once a month or two. The more advanced the filter's filtration capabilities, the more durable it is, and it can usually last longer.


In conclusion, it's essential to recognize that while your furnace can run without a filter, it's not recommended. The potential damage to your system and decreased efficiency can be costly. Furthermore, the importance of furnace filters extends beyond your system's health to indoor air quality, especially if anyone in your home has allergies or respiratory issues. The frequency with which you should change your furnace filter depends on several factors, including the type of filter and the number of people or pets in your home. However, changing your filter every one to three months is generally recommended. Doing so will keep your furnace running smoothly, protect your system from damage, and keep your home's air healthy and clean. It may seem like an insignificant detail compared to the enormous machinery of your heating and cooling system. Nevertheless, the details like this make a difference in your home's overall health and comfort. So, replace your filter regularly with high-quality ones to maintain your system's optimal efficiency and air quality.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Can a Dirty Furnace Filter Cause Carbon Monoxide?

Furnace filters may seem like a small part of your heating system, but they are critical in keeping your home safe and comfortable. Regular maintenance of your furnace filters can prevent potential hazards such as carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide poisoning is a severe health risk many overlook, yet it can be easily prevented with simple measures. It's essential to understand that carbon monoxide is a silent killer that can cause irreversible damage to your health. Carbon monoxide poisoning occurs when there is a build-up of carbon monoxide gas in your home. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around 400 Americans die annually due to unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning. In this article, we'll discuss the role of your furnace filter in preventing carbon monoxide poisoning and how regularly changing it can help.

What is Carbon Monoxide?

Carbon monoxide is a silent, odourless, and colourless gas that can quickly become a health hazard within homes. In the United States alone, carbon monoxide accounts for more than 20,000 emergency room visits each year and about 400 deaths annually. It's, therefore, essential to have a clear understanding of what carbon monoxide is, where it comes from, and how it harms our health.

How Carbon Monoxide Forms

Carbon monoxide forms through incomplete combustion. It occurs when fuel sources such as wood, natural gas, propane, kerosene, and gasoline do not burn completely due to insufficient oxygen. When this happens, carbon monoxide replaces oxygen in the red blood cells and is distributed throughout the body, causing serious health effects. It is a byproduct of many common household appliances, including gas stoves, kerosene heaters, and gas-burning furnaces.

Sources of Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide can come from many sources, including appliances that burn gas, oil, wood, and charcoal. The biggest contributors to household carbon monoxide build-up are stoves, gas ranges, and heating systems. Fireplaces, water heaters, and clothes dryers are other common sources that could also lead to carbon monoxide poisoning. It is also crucial to understand that even cars and small engines such as generators can produce dangerous levels of carbon monoxide and should never be left running in an enclosed space.

Hazards of Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide poisoning can cause severe illness or death, with symptoms that range from headaches and dizziness to weakness and confusion. Long-term exposure to low levels of carbon monoxide can also result in serious health problems such as heart disease and brain damage. Even with early detection, the effects of carbon monoxide can be long-lasting and may require hospitalization or ongoing treatment. It is, therefore, critical to take active measures to prevent carbon monoxide exposure in your home.

How a Dirty Furnace Filter Leads to Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Have you ever wondered how a dirty furnace filter can contribute to carbon monoxide poisoning? Furnace filters are essential in regulating the airflow through your heating system. When they become clogged, the system's efficiency drops and the result could be incomplete combustion with a resulting build-up of dangerous carbon monoxide gas.

Furnace Filter's Importance in Airflow of the System

The furnace filter's primary function is to protect the heating and cooling system from dust and debris and eliminate the particles that circulate through the house's air supply. Filters are vital in maintaining your HVAC's efficiency by allowing proper airflow throughout the system. A properly functioning filter enables better performance, lower energy consumption, and a healthier indoor environment.

Blocked Airflow Causing Incomplete Combustion

When furnace filters become dirty and obstructed, the heating system works harder to maintain the desired temperature. As a result, the combustion system gets an insufficient oxygen supply, leading to incomplete combustion. Incomplete combustion is when burning fuel doesn't produce enough heat and releases carbon monoxide into the air. It is critical to understand that the more clogged your furnace filter is, the easier it is for dangerous carbon monoxide gas to accumulate within your home.

Overheating Heat Exchangers

An overheating heat exchanger is another hazard of a dirty furnace filter. It happens when restricted airflow causes heat to build up within the system, increasing the chance of damage to its heat exchanger. If the heat exchanger overheats, the heat will cause deformities or cracks, allowing carbon monoxide to escape into the air. Once that happens, no filter stops it from contaminating your home's air supply.

Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Regular Furnace Filter Replacement

The simplest way to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning is to regularly replace your furnace filter. Changing your filter every 90 days or three months is recommended, or sooner if you have pets or family members with allergies. The frequency of filter replacement depends on the level of air pollution in the area where you live. Regular filter replacement ensures the optimal performance of your heating system, allowing it to operate effectively and maintain optimal indoor air quality. It also helps prevent unburned fuel from remaining in the combustion chamber and releasing carbon monoxide gas, which can harm your health.

Annual Professional HVAC Inspection

A professional HVAC technician can inspect your heating system annually, ensuring it remains in top condition all year round. During the inspection, they will check the furnace, exhaust stack, flue pipes, and other components to ensure everything works correctly and does not produce any dangerous gases. They can also diagnose any potential issues before they become serious concerns. Annual inspections are recommended by various organizations like the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), the American Lung Association, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Carbon Monoxide Detector Installation

One of the most important things you can do to protect your family from carbon monoxide poisoning is to install carbon monoxide detectors in your home. Carbon monoxide detectors are designed to detect dangerous levels of carbon monoxide gas in your home and alert you before harmful effects occur. Different types of carbon monoxide detectors available in the market can meet your needs. Some plug directly into a wall outlet, while others are battery-operated. Installing them according to the manufacturer's instructions and the best practices of the fire department or other safety organizations is essential. Install detectors at least 10 feet away from heat sources, including fireplaces, furnaces, and stoves, since proximity to these can set off false alarms. Carbon monoxide detectors can be a lifesaver, especially if installed in the right place. Also, some detectors are interconnected, so when one detects carbon monoxide, all installed in the living space will alarm.

Detector Test & Maintenance

Once installed, it's essential to test carbon monoxide detectors regularly to ensure they are in good working order. Testing should be done monthly according to manufacturers' instructions. The test button should be pushed, and a loud alarm should be heard. Detectors should also be replaced every five years or according to the manufacturer's instructions, even if the alarm works as expected. Be sure to refer to the manufacturer's instructions for proper maintenance, as cleaning the unit or changing batteries may differ between models. If the detector sounds an alarm, immediately evacuate and contact local emergency services. Carbon monoxide alarms should be taken seriously since they indicate the presence of dangerous gas. Regular and proper maintenance helps ensure reliability, sensitivity, and accuracy in detecting dangerous levels.


Some essential steps to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning at home include replacing your furnace filter regularly, scheduling annual professional HVAC inspections and installing and maintaining carbon monoxide detectors. Understanding the importance of these preventive measures is essential as they can save lives. Taking advantage of these devices will ensure your family remains safe and healthy all year round. We encourage everyone to stay informed and take preventive measures against potential dangers like carbon monoxide poisoning before it's too late.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

General Air Conditioner Tune-Up Cost

Furnace Repair Vaughan General Air Conditioner Tune-Up Cost As a homeowner, you know that specific maintenance tasks must be performed regularly to keep your home in good condition. One of those tasks is having your air conditioner tuned up each year. But how much does an air conditioner tune-up cost? Read on to find out.   What is the Average AC Tune-Up Cost? … General Air Conditioner Tune-Up Cost Read More » The post General Air Conditioner Tune-Up Cost appeared first on Furnace Repair Vaughan.
The post Furnace Repair Vaughan General Air Conditioner Tune-Up Cost appeared first on Furnace Repair Vaughan.

How 2 Stage Furnace Works

Furnace Repair Vaughan How 2 Stage Furnace Works Have you ever wondered how a two-stage furnace works to keep your home warm? The comfort you experience when stepping inside an inviting, cozy house during the cold months is thanks partly to the work of a two-stage furnace. But do you know what happens behind the scenes? A two-stage furnace utilizes advanced technology and … How 2 Stage Furnace Works Read More » The post How 2 Stage Furnace Works appeared first on Furnace Repair Vaughan.
The post How 2 Stage Furnace Works appeared first on Furnace Repair Vaughan.

How to Maintain Your Central Air Conditioner

Furnace Repair Vaughan How to Maintain Your Central Air Conditioner How to maintain your central air conditioner? As the weather warms, many of us think about our air conditioners. For some of us, that means turning on the AC for the first time in months. For others, it may mean ensuring everything is in working order before cranking up the cool air.   Either way, … How to Maintain Your Central Air Conditioner Read More » The post How to Maintain Your Central Air Conditioner appeared first on Furnace Repair Vaughan.
The post How to Maintain Your Central Air Conditioner appeared first Furnace Repair Vaughan on Furnace Repair Vaughan.

Monday, March 27, 2023

How 2 Stage Furnace Works

Have you ever wondered how a two-stage furnace works to keep your home warm? The comfort you experience when stepping inside an inviting, cozy house during the cold months is thanks partly to the work of a two-stage furnace. But do you know what happens behind the scenes? A two-stage furnace utilizes advanced technology and design features to regulate heating cycles according to interior temperatures, efficiently providing constant warmth and comfort for all your family needs throughout winter. In this blog post, we'll examine exactly how a two-stage modulating gas valve operates so that every homeowner can better understand how their heat works for them.

What is a Two-Stage Furnace?

A two-stage furnace is a heating appliance with a two-stage gas valve and a variable-speed blower. It adjusts its heating output to match your home's heating demand. The furnace can operate in high- or low-- stage mode, depending on the temperature difference between the desired and actual room temperatures. The primary function of a two-stage furnace is to provide reliable heating that matches your home's heating demands, keeping your home warm and comfortable, even during the coldest months of the year.

Components that Make Up a Two-Stage Furnace

VARIABLE SPEED BLOWER A variable speed blower is a component in a two-stage furnace that helps regulate the airflow in your home. It has a variable-speed motor that automatically adjusts the blower's speed to match the heating output. Unlike a traditional single-stage furnace's fixed speed blower, a variable speed blower is much more efficient by reducing noise and saving energy. The blower makes it possible to maintain a consistent temperature throughout your home. TWO-STAGE GAS VALVE The two-stage gas valve is another component of a two-stage furnace. It plays a crucial role in the furnace's operation, allowing it to deliver high and low heating outputs depending on the heating demand. During high-stage mode, the gas valve opens wide, allowing more gas to enter the combustion chamber, producing more heat. Conversely, during the low-stage mode, the gas valve decreases the volume of gas entering the combustion chamber to reduce the heat output.

How a Two-Stage Furnace Adjusts Its Heating Output Through Modulating Between Two Different Heating Levels

A two-stage furnace adjusts its heating output through the process of modulation. In high-stage mode, the furnace operates at 100% of its heating capacity, producing high heat output. This mode comes into play when the desired temperature is much higher than the actual room temperature. When the temperature discrepancy is less, the furnace switches to low-stage mode, allowing it to operate at a lower heating level, thus reducing energy consumption, noise, and wear and tear on the furnace. This modulation process helps keep the temperatures consistent throughout the house, reducing temperature fluctuations and improving comfort. EXAMPLE: For example, suppose you set the thermostat to 70 degrees during a particularly cold wintry day. In that case, the furnace would detect the differential temperature between the desired and actual room temperatures. Suppose the difference is significant, say 4-5 degrees. In that case, the furnace would automatically start in high-stage mode, producing a higher heating output to match that temperature need. Suppose the difference between the desired and actual temperature is reduced to 1-2 degrees. In that case, the furnace would switch to a low-stage mode operation, reducing the heating output since it does not need a lot of heat to maintain the set temperature. As you can see, the furnace's ability to modulate the heating output helps keep the temperature consistent and comfortable without consuming more energy than necessary.

How Does a Two-Stage Furnace Work?

A two-stage furnace receives a signal from the thermostat, indicating the desired temperature. When the furnace detects that the room temperature falls below what the thermostat requests, it starts up and begins the heating process. The furnace adjusts its heating output according to the temperature difference between the desired and actual room temperatures. If the temperature difference is significant, the furnace operates in high-stage mode. In contrast, a lower temperature difference will cause the furnace to operate in low-stage mode.

How a Two-Stage Furnace Operates in High-Stage Mode and Low-Stage Mode

The two-stage furnace operates at maximal heating capacity in high-stage mode, delivering high heat output. This mode is effective when the temperature difference is significant, and the furnace needs to warm the house as quickly as possible. On the other hand, in low-stage mode, the furnace operates at a lower heating level, producing just the right amount of heat, matching your home's heating demands, and keeping the room temperature comfortable. Suppose the outside temperature drops drastically overnight, causing the indoor temperature to plummet. In that case, the two-stage furnace detects the decreased temperature and starts in high-stage mode, delivering a high heat output to quickly warm your home. As your home's indoor temperature approaches the set temperature, the furnace switches to low-stage mode, reducing the heating output to maintain a comfortable temperature throughout the house. As the outside temperature fluctuates during the day, the two-stage furnace modulates between high-stage and low-stage operations, ensuring consistent and energy-efficient heating output.


In conclusion, a two-stage furnace is a reliable and energy-efficient heating appliance that operates in two different heating stages. The furnace can adjust its heating output according to your home's demand, providing consistent and comfortable indoor temperatures. This article discusses what a two-stage furnace is, its components, and how it works. We've also explored the benefits of investing in a two-stage furnace, such as improved comfort, energy efficiency, noise reduction, and longevity of its components. If you're considering upgrading your home's heating appliance, a two-stage furnace is an excellent option to give you a good return on investment. With its energy-saving capabilities, you'll enjoy the comfort of a warm and cozy home and save money on energy bills in the long run. We encourage readers to consider upgrading to a two-stage furnace and consult a licensed HVAC contractor to confirm that it's the appropriate heating option for your home. Explore options and select a two-stage furnace that fits your heating needs and budget. Choosing the right heating appliance is critical for comfort, energy savings, and home safety.

Why My Furnace Keeps Running When Thermostat is Off

One of the most frustrating issues homeowners can face is a furnace that won't stay off. It goes on and off randomly, or it just keeps running all day, no matter what you do. That dreaded "hummmmm" echoing throughout your home gets tiring after a while. Understanding why your furnace is running when it shouldn't be is easy to figure out with just a few simple steps. So read on as we share our tips on identifying the cause of this problem and getting your HVAC system back up and running better than ever before!

Dirty Air Filter

When the air filter in your furnace is dirty, it can block the airflow, causing the furnace to overheat. The furnace is designed to switch off when the temperature reaches a certain level. But when the airflow is blocked, the furnace's safety mechanism senses this and causes it to keep running to cool it down. It can lead to several problems, such as stressing the furnace components, overheating and possible damage to the furnace motor, and even fire hazards. Additionally, a dirty air filter can reduce the indoor air quality in your home, creating an unhealthy atmosphere for you and your family.

The importance of changing air filters regularly

You must change your air filters regularly to avoid furnace problems caused by dirty air filters. Experts recommend checking your air filters at least once a month and changing them every three months or more if you have pets, allergies, or construction in your home. By changing the air filters regularly, you can improve the air quality in your home, making it easier for you and your family to breathe. It will also ensure your furnace runs efficiently, reducing energy consumption and lowering energy bills.

Faulty Thermostat

The thermostat is a device that measures the indoor temperature in your home and sends signals to the heating system on whether it should heat up or cool down. It turns the furnace on and off based on the set temperature. The thermostat maintains a comfortable temperature and improves energy efficiency by managing the heating system. Some thermostats also have programmable settings that allow homeowners to set different temperatures during the day, depending on their schedules. This feature can improve energy efficiency, saving you money on energy bills.

How a malfunctioning thermostat can affect the furnace

If the thermostat is not functioning correctly, it can lead to several problems, including a furnace that keeps running when turned off. A malfunctioning thermostat may not communicate correctly with the furnace, causing it to operate continuously. It can result in overheating and damage to the furnace components, reducing lifespan. A faulty thermostat can also cause uneven temperatures in different parts of your home or result in your furnace failing to turn on at all. This issue can be frustrating and uncomfortable, making having your thermostat inspected by a professional is crucial. Examples of malfunctioning thermostats include incorrect programming, a defective sensor, or a power supply issue. It is best to have a professional inspect and repair your thermostat to avoid further complications and ensure your furnace runs efficiently.

Wiring Problems

The wiring in your furnace controls the power supply and connects the various components. When the wiring is faulty, it can cause the furnace to malfunction. A short circuit in the wiring can cause the furnace to keep running even when it is turned off. It can strain the furnace and damage its components, causing potential safety hazards. Additionally, faulty wiring can cause other issues in your furnace, such as inconsistent heating, frequent breakdowns, and electrical fires. These issues can lead to higher energy bills, expensive repairs, and the need for a complete furnace replacement.

Importance of contacting a professional for repairs

If you suspect that your furnace has wiring problems, it's crucial to contact a professional as soon as possible. A licensed HVAC technician will have the necessary diagnostic tools to identify the issue and provide an appropriate solution. Attempting to fix wiring problems on your furnace can be risky and potentially dangerous, and someone should not do it without the necessary expertise. A professional trained in electrical systems can identify and repair wiring issues effectively and safely. Delaying necessary repairs to your furnace's wiring can lead to more extensive and costly problems. Regular maintenance and professional repairs can save you money in the long run and prevent potential safety hazards.

Blower Fan Malfunction

The blower fan is a crucial component of any furnace, distributing warm air throughout the home. When the furnace is running, it heats the air, which is then circulated by the blower fan through the ventilation system. The fan enhances the furnace's efficiency, reducing energy consumption and ensuring a comfortable temperature throughout the home. Some blower fans are adjustable based on the size of the home or the required airflow. These adjustments can improve the efficiency of the furnace and lower energy bills.

How fan malfunctions can affect the furnace

If the blower fan malfunctions, it can cause the furnace to keep running even when it is turned off. It can be due to a faulty motor, a malfunctioning fan relay, or problems with the fan blades. When the blower fan isn't functioning correctly, it can also lead to inconsistent temperatures and reduced airflow, which may result in colder spots in your home. A malfunctioning blower fan may also create strange noises or vibrations, which can cause concern for homeowners. A faulty blower fan can cause the furnace to overheat or damage other components, leading to expensive repairs and shortened furnace lifespan. Examples of blower fan malfunctions include fan belts that are broken or loose, fan motors that have stopped working, or fan relay problems. It's essential to have a professional diagnose the issue, as it can be challenging to identify and repair the specific problem without proper expertise.


Several factors can cause a furnace that keeps running when the thermostat is turned off. Wiring problems, improper thermostat programming, a defective sensor, or a power supply issue may all be to blame. Additionally, a professional should check blower fan malfunctions that can cause furnace problems. Regular maintenance and professional repairs can help to enhance furnace efficiency, reduce energy bills, and prevent costly repairs. If you suspect your furnace isn't working properly, contact a licensed HVAC technician for expert advice.